Page 23 - Newton and the Needy Newts
P. 23

In this story, Newton the newt does a lot of foolish and dangerous things. The point is made over and over that Newton and all of the newts are too needy. They need the attention and approval of others too much. Most of us like to be appreciated and we like for others say nice things about us. This can help motivate us to do good and useful things, like make good grades and help the underprivileged.
But for Newton, this need caused him to undertake unacceptable and dangerous behaviors. It is easy to tell someone like Newton to, “Not be so needy,” or “Don’t worry so much about what others think about you.” It is easy for others to say those things but if you have the habit of Needy Stinky Thinking, it is not easy to change.
If you tell yourself something like, “It is just very, very important that the seniors like me,” then you are telling yourself some Needy Stinky Thinking. You may do things that are not in your best self-interest just to impress the seniors. Then when you get in trouble, you may not be able to really explain why you would do something so obviously stupid. Unfortunately, Needy Stinky Thinking is very normal. Humans seem to naturally adopt needy beliefs. But natural and normal does not mean necessary. You can control this thinking and in time change those needy beliefs into something that makes more sense.
For example,“It would be nice if the seniors liked me but I am not going to do anything stupid to gain their attention and approval. If that means that they won’t like me, I can live with that.”

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