Page 17 - Fable Topics Issues Flipbook
P. 17

Character ... “What is it and how do you get it?”
There is a lot of concern about a lack of character in our children and adults. The Coping Skills series teaches us the skills to develop “Character Self-Talk.”
It may seem obvious but the qualities we associate with the word Character are the result of overriding our natural tendencies to be jealous, vengeful, demanding, inconsiderate and self-serving.
To overcome these “natural” tendencies you need a large and “powerful” repertoire of Character (Coping Skills) Self-Messages. This self-talk must be able to override fear, anxiety and embarrassment as well as peer pressure and the disapproval of “powerful” adults.
Although every story in the entire series has some of these character self-messages, the following should be particularly useful in teaching “Character Skills.”
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