Page 34 - The Tree of Happiness
P. 34

The Elf character in this story is really like a supportive parent, teacher, friend or maybe just your own Good Thinking. There is a conflict because our Queen (us) wants to enter the Tree of Happiness and she (we) wants to do it NOW! It is typical for us to want all our discomfort and frustration to go away immediately and with little or no effort on our part.
But reality, like our Elf, frustrates us by telling us that to enter the Tree of Happiness, you must do certain tasks. At this point in our story, our Queen begs and when that did not work, she threatens. But the story (and real life) does not work that way. Life is not easy and simple and so the Elf character gives series of tasks she must perform.
“Do you think the Elf was just trying to be mean to the Queen?” Some children may really see the Elf as a villain at this point of the story. He could easily have given her the Key. But if he had, what would she have learned... nothing. “Have you ever acted like the Queen when you did not get something you wanted?” Most of us act like the Queen from time to time. Some act like the Queen frequently. The main point to insure that they understand is that we don’t know if the Elf is a friend or foe. We don’t know why he won’t just give her the Key. But getting upset is not doing the Queen any good and she might as well try what the Elf is suggesting.
1. When the Elf told the Princess she must have the “Key” to get into the Tree of Happiness, what did she start telling herself?
I must have that key. He better give it to me.
2. When she thought that, how was she feeling? How did she act?
At first she was upset and worried and then she was angry. At first she begged and cried and then she threatened.
3. Do you think the Elf was just trying to be mean to the Queen?
No, he was just telling her what she had to do to get the Key.
4. Have you ever acted like the Queen when you did not get something you wanted? What were you telling yourself?
(Think of a time you whined to get something and then got angry if you did not get it. Think about what you were telling yourself.)

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