Page 74 - The Tree of Happiness
P. 74
In the story, the Queen must learn how to have friendly relationships (raise an army) with a very diverse group, who are very different from her. She does this by being nice as well as making them feel needed and appreciated. These are skills much admired in our real world but are never formally taught.
These are the skills Daniel Goleman discusses in his book Emotional Intelligence. Goleman discusses how the unpopular child could be coached, “To remember to talk with and ask questions about the other child while they play; To listen and look at the other child to see how he’s doing; to say something nice when the other person does well; To smile and offer help or suggestions and encouragement .” By encouraging these skills, you can have fewer child to child conflicts. After all, the Queen got them to go with her to fight a dragon.
Next we come to “facing the dragon,” the most difficult of the tasks. Far too many of us avoid our personal dragons and in
doing so allow them to grow and control us. Your story Exercise is about helping others identify their dragons (fears) and then to plan how to defeat it.
Encourage them to face their fears and accept their anxiety. Brave people are brave not because they have no fear but because they manage their fear.