Page 14 - Polly Perfect
P. 14
My cousin and I sat on a branch in a tall tree. We could see all that was going on during the judging. My cousin nodded toward a large teak tree. There at the very top was Polly. The sun was in the perfect position to shine on her feathers. This made the stripe of blue feathers even more impressive.
I commented that she really was a handsome bird. My cousin agreed and said that he was sure that Polly expected to win. Polly strutted up and down the branch, fluffing up her feathers.
My cousin smiled and said, “There will be some squawking if she does not win.” Just then the judges flew to a branch in the middle of the gathering of parrots.
The largest of them looked over the contestants and said, “The winner of the ‘most appealing’ contest is... Penny Parrot.”
“Oh, oh,” said my cousin.
And just as he had predicted, Polly started squawking. “Penny is not as beautiful as me. Look at my beautiful blue feathers and long tail. This is not fair. You are all against me. There is no way that anyone thinks Penny is more beautiful than me.”