Page 18 - Polly Perfect
P. 18

Have you ever heard anyone talk about being a “good winner” and a “good loser?” You know that in life there are winners and losers.
Take for example a human running race. Ten people run in the race. How many winners are there? Just one, that’s right. How many losers? If you said nine, you are right again. The reason I use that as an example is because if you “compete” in life, you will lose many more times
than you win.
We all know that Polly was a “sore loser.” She was not kind or gracious. By that, I mean she did not go up to the winner and say, “Good job” or “You deserved to win.” In the “Most Appealing Fruit” contest, she squawked and said, “That’s not fair” when another parrot found a pineapple on the road.
But if you look back at what the winning parrot said, you understand what is meant by a winner being gracious. Because Polly is Polly, she just kept on about someone cheating.

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