Page 37 - Polly Perfect
P. 37
Polly gives us a good example of the problems caused by perfectionist thinking. By contrast, Penny gives us information about what makes you, “The Most Appealing.” These are not qualities typically thought of by children (or by many adults) in their peer interactions.
Polly thought she should win because she is the best looking. In our real world, it is much the same. Nice looking people are often treated differently than the rest of us. But the same could be said about the good athlete, the talented, the rich and so on. But many of these admired qualities are accidents of birth or transitory. Penny won the contest because of her personal qualities and her social skills that are important (if not always taught) in our real world.
The last question on this page allows the children to imagine Penny with all her good qualities, talking to Polly if Polly had won the contest.
What would Penny say to Polly? The point of this question is to let children “Get into the skin” of a Penny Parrot, with all her good qualities and social skills. Hopefully, they can imagine what it would be like and will know what she would say to Polly.
It is an opportunity to imagine and practice being the type of person most of us would like to be around. Social skills can be developed using this technique. Imagine the situation, consider different ways of dealing with the situation and then mentally practice your behavior.