Page 4 - Polly Perfect
P. 4

Cosmos Crow here, to tell you about a little vacation trip I took and what I learned about, “being perfect.”
As everyone knows, crows work very hard all year long and need a little vacation. This year, I decided to take a long trip and visit some cousins way down south. Now, I don’t mean like Atlanta or New Orleans, I mean south like South America.
It was a long journey and boy, did it ever get hot! Once I got past the equator, it got a little better but to go from frost on the pumpkins to steamy jungle was quite a change.
I found my cousins and to my surprise, they live pretty much like I do. Their food is a little different and so is their music but I could tell they were crows. They lived on the jungle’s edge and had the best of the forest and also the farm land. I found my cousins and their customs very interesting.
Even more interesting was their neighbors, a large flock of parrots. To be truthful, the only time I had ever seen a parrot was on Mrs. Meril’s television. She had it on one day when I was on her windowsill sampling one of her famous homemade apple pies.
She had the TV set to an old pirate movie. All of a sudden, there was this squawking sound and a bird saying, “Polly want a cracker.”

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