Page 9 - Polly Perfect
P. 9

He agreed that she had done a good job but he told me that there was another one that looked even better. He motioned to the one he was talking about. It looked very similar to Polly’s nest but was larger, appeared stronger and was better decorated. I had to admit he was right, that it was better.
When the judges gave out the awards, Polly’s nest came in second. I turned to my cousin and said, “Polly should be happy. She got a second place award.”
My cousin looked at me and rolled his eyes. “I don’t think so,” he replied.
Now I don’t know about you but I would have been a little disappointed about not coming in first but pleased that I came in second. After all, a lot of the parrots did not get any ribbons.
Well, not Polly. She snatched the second place ribbon out of the judge’s beak and stomped off.
After most of the other parrots had gone to another part of the jungle for the banana eating contest, I saw Polly ranting and raving about the “Stupid blind judges.” She got more and more upset and tore up her beautiful nest. When another parrot said that she should not get so upset, Polly flew at him and scared him off.

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