Page 22 - December NEWSWATCH
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 Becky Boston Brings You Homeowner Tips
  Becky Boston REALTOR®
As your neighborhood Realtor, I like to share helpful information should you be planning to buy or sell a home.
For all of your Real Estate needs, I am here to help you get moving!
  7 Tips for Selling in a Crowded Market
 Getting ready to sell your home? Sometimes it seems like all your neighbors had to do was stake down a ‘for sale’ sign and watch the offers roll in. But for most us, selling a house isn’t nearly that easy. That’s especially true in an increasingly crowded market.
Many of today’s sellers find themselves facing much more competition than just a few years ago. Chances are, your house isn’t the only one
for sale in your neighborhood, or even on your block. Luckily, there are several great strategies that can help you get ahead when you’re selling your home in a crowded market.
Price it right.
When you’re competing with a lot of other homes for sale in your general area, price becomes crucial. Although you surely want to get top dollar for your house, there’s a major advantage to pricing your home slightly lower – roughly 2 percent lower – than similar homes in your neighborhood. Even a slightly lower price point can make a big difference.
Always be show-ready.
When competition is fierce, it pays to be prepared to show your home at any time. Before listing your house for sale, give it a thorough cleaning and de-cluttering; then keep it tidy in case you need to show it off at the drop of a hat.
Look through the buyer’s eyes.
It’s easy to become blind to how your home really looks after you’ve lived there for years. So it’s important to try to detach from your preconceptions about your house. See it instead from a buyer’s point of view. What might a buyer object to? Those are things you should fix. What might a buyer be excited about? Those are things to put extra emphasis on.
Take professional photographs.
Two identical homes can look very different depending on how they are presented. Pictures matter, especially since most home searches are carried out online these days. Hire a professional photographer to stage and photograph our home to give you an edge over competing houses for sale in your neighborhood.
Team up with your neighbors.
If you live in a neighborhood where there are a lot of homes for sale, it’s easy to see them as competition. In a way, they are – but it can be more beneficial to work with your neighbors than against them. Plan
a joint open house together, and work toward selling your overall neighborhood as a great place to live. If a neighbor sells before you do, don’t sweat it. Celebrate with them, and remember that just means that now there’s one less house you have to compete with.
Show off your best assets.
If you’ve made significant upgrades to your home, or have features that make it uniquely desirable then show them off. Make sure that remodeled bathroom, beautiful modern kitchen, ample back yard or extended patio are prominently featured in your listing.
Work with a great agent.
Having the right real estate agent in your corner gives you a major leg up on the competition. Look for an experienced seller’s agent who has a lot of inside knowledge about your specific neighborhood, and who can help you look at real estate trends in your area and determine how best to sell your property.
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