Page 52 - The Trying Medal
P. 52

I don’t know if you noticed but the Queen said that getting the people to follow her to fight the dragon, “Seemed harder than
all of the other tasks put together.” Wow, harder than building a road or monument and harder than reading just about every book ever written.
But getting others to want to do something or to help you do something or just to be your friend, can be very difficult. If you remember, another of her “Wizard Beliefs” was that no one would ever like her. So before these ‘Tasks,’ she never learned how to make friends.
However, now she had to learn how to make friends and she did a good job of it. She made her people feel important and needed. She let them know that they were important to her. She made sure that they understood that she would help them but now she needed their help. The Queen certainly came a long way from being Princess Sad.
1. What are two things that you could say to someone to let them know that you want to be their friend?
2. What are two things you could do so that someone would know that you want to be their friend?
3. Name one thing someone could say to you and one thing they could do that would let you know that they want to be your friend.

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