P. 18

 Markyourcalendars:SHABoardMeeting|September10th|7:00pm |JonesCreekLibrary
1. Bee Balm: Bee Balm is a great plant for your garden. The nectar attracts hummingbirds and other pollinators as well. In addition, lacewings (a beneficial insect) prefers the leaves as a habitat for laying their eggs. The scent can also repel insects if you plant it in your vegetable garden.
2. Borage: Bees love the purple star-shaped flowers of the borage plant. It easily self-seeds, and you can use borage, too, for a tasty tea.
3. Comfrey: The bell-shaped purple flowers of the comfrey plant are a popular source of nectar for many pollinators and beneficial insects. You might find garden toads hiding in the shady comfort of the giant leaves of the comfrey plant. And there are ALWAYS bees on the flowers.
4. Coriander: Not only do pollinators LOVE coriander (and other members of the carrot family), it also attracts beneficial insects including: ladybugs, hoverflies, parasitic wasps, and lacewings.
5. Dill: Dill is also a member of the carrot family, and the yellow flower stage of the dill plant attracts beneficial insects such as ladybugs, hoverflies, parasitic wasps, and lacewings.
6. Fennel: Another member of the carrot family, fennel also attracts ladybugs, hoverflies, parasitic wasps, and lacewings. Just don’t plant it next to your dill, because they can cross-pollinate.
7. Lovage: Lovage tastes a bit like celery, and is a tall perennial plant. The greenish-yellow flowers attract many kinds of pollinators, and beneficial insects often seek shelter in the foliage.
8. Roman Chamomile: Not only does chamomile make a tasty tea, beneficial insects are drawn to those delightfully scented flowers, too! Pollinators love these flowers.
9. Sunflowers: Sunflowers provide nectar for many pollinating insects, and the giant leaves provide shelter for many beneficial insects. You can also use the seeds that the giant heads produce to feed beneficial birds. Score! Get your seeds to grow your own here.
10. Yarrow: Every garden should have this perennial herb. It attract the most variety of beneficial insects and pollinators are attracted to their showy flowers. Plus, the somewhat stinky scent repel bad insects. They have medicinal benefits for humans as well.
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