Page 134 - The CRAIG family
P. 134
One thing I want to add about Uncle George is that it was always a big secret as to how he lost his little finger at the first knuckle on his right hand. When his sisters and brothers were together, they would try to get Uncle George to tell them what had happened. Maybe he told them the truth and they didn’t believe him – we don’t know. I say that because they used to tell him they bet he got a “Snoot” full and got into a squabble, lost a bet or Lord knows what and the loss of his finger was due do one of his shenanigans. Uncle George would just grin and always kept them in suspense. It was referred to jokingly as a deep military secret.
I spoke to Glenn and he had the answer: This is what Uncle George told him – The loss of his finger was due to an accident. He was on his ship standing by a gun turret and he had his arm resting on the turret. While he was standing there, someone turned on the starting mechanism and his hand got wedged into the groove and his finger got mangled before they could get the switch turned off. A simple accident. So, the actual cause was not nearly as fun and suspenseful as the “I bet it happened this way” scenarios but at least we finally know what happened.