Page 28 - Three of Happiness
P. 28

I interrupted Edgar’s storytelling to say that I had o en had the same kind of fear that the Queen was experiencing. When I am someplace new or
I am around others I don’t know, I become scared. But here the Queen was doing something she never thought she could do, ge ng the 1,000 best books and she was far away form home. Talk about scary. Now, Edgar con nued the story.
Some nights the Queen’s fears and frustrations got the best of her and she would pack her bags to return home. But then she would remember the Elf and the TREE OF HAPPINESS and would say to herself, “Look how far you have come. You have built the Road and the Monument. You have gathered many of the books already. Why quit now? If you quit, you will never get the key and never get into the TREE.”
Some nights the Queen, in frustration and fatigue, would cry herself to sleep. But each morning she would get up, look at the large stack of books on her desk then begin to read. It took a long time and it was difficult. But she did get the 1000 best books.
She returned to her kingdom and placed the books in the Monument. To her surprise, when she returned to the castle, a great fes val was given by the common people to welcome her. She used this opportunity to tell them that she had placed the books in the monument so that they could go there and study the books if they wished.
The Queen did not rest long because she knew there were other tasks that s ll needed doing. She now went from town to town talking to the people and telling them how much she needed them to help her. “Without you,” she would say, “I have no kingdom to rule. My goal is to make your lives be er but now I need your help.” She continued to go from town to town, week after week. She did not threaten or bribe as she continued in her efforts to recruit people to help her run off the dragon.
This task seemed harder than all of the other tasks put together. Many people said they would not help... it was not their job. Some even said they thought she was crazy for taking on the dragon. ‘’Leave it alone. It is not threatening the royal castle.” Her advisors were appalled to see the Queen “Beg.”
“In my day,” said one of the older advisors, “we told our subjects what to do. And if they refused, we cut off their heads.” “Yes,” said another, “This asking for help instead of demanding it is going to ruin this country.” Some advisors even talked about overthrowing the Queen, saying she was unfit to rule and that one of them should take her place as leader.
It was interesting how others may discourage you from doing things you know are important for you to accomplish. But like the Queen, you should do it anyway.
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