Page 32 - Three of Happiness
P. 32

The Queen had some very difficult Tasks to get the “Key.” Like you, she was asked to do some things that were very difficult and scary. But she was able to come up with some Good Thinking beliefs that helped her deal with some of the more difficult tasks. It is often necessary to tell yourself these Coping Messages to get past the difficult times.
Ge ng the 1,000 Best Books was par cularly hard for the Queen because of her “Wizard Belief” about being stupid. Just because someone tells you something negative does not make it true. She kept reminding herself of how important it was to get the “Key” so that she would not talk herself into quitting. I particularly liked when she told herself, “Look how far you have come... why quit now.” Now that's some Good Thinking! Now , let’s see how much you remember of this part of the story.
1. Ge ng the 1000 “Best Books” was very di cult. Did the Queen ever think about qui ng?
2. When she told herself those nega ve self-statements, how did she feel?
3. If she had allowed herself to keep thinking that way, what would she have done?
4. What did she tell herself so she would not feel so frustrated and quit?
5. What do you tell yourself when things get di cult so that you won’t quit a di cult task?
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