Page 4 - Three of Happiness
P. 4

Hello, dear reader, Cosmos Crow here. I am here to tell you a story about a subject dear to all of our hearts...Happiness. It is a tale with a lot of adventure and surprises. But as usual, I am ge ng ahead of myself. Let me start at the best place to start... the beginning.
I was on another of my annual trips to an unfamiliar land. Some mes I just take o   ying with no des na on in mind and just end up wherever I end up. I had been traveling for quite some  me and was passing over some beau ful country.
It was green, with streams and farms and towns and what looked like very happy animals and people. I had just passed over an old castle and was  ying over a large forest when I no ced a large clearing in the middle of the forest. In the middle of the clearing was the largest tree I had ever seen.
And there, sitting at the very top of this tree was a majestic eagle. Well, as you know, eagles and crows get along pretty well. We don’t eat the same food and we live in different places, so we don’t get in each others way. I flew down and landed next to this eagle and politely introduced myself. He nodded his head and replied that his name was Edgar. We talked for a few minutes and I told him that I thought the country was beautiful. He thanked me and told me to stay as long as I wanted.
I was about to  y o  when I said, “This is a very large and beau ful tree.”
“Oh yes,” he replied. “This is the most famous tree in the country and it saved the country from disaster many years ago.”
Now, you know me. I could feel a story coming on, so I settled back and asked, “Why don’t you tell me about it?”
You know dear reader; he started the story just like I start many of my stories ...Once upon a  me.
Once upon a  me there was a princess who lived in this kingdom. As a young child, she was told by the Wizard that she would never be happy, make friends or do well in school because she was born under the “Wrong Stars. Well... she proceeded to prove him right.
She was a sad li le thing, walking around with her eyes downcast, not speaking to anyone. She did not try to make friends because she knew they would not like her. She did not try to succeed in school because she knew it would be no use. As you might expect, she was lonely and did very poorly in school. She was known all over the kingdom as “Princess Sad,” and was avoided by all.
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