Page 22 - Take Me Out To The Ball Game
P. 22

If you see yourself being more like the Mad Boy or Sad Boy than the Glad Boy, you are probably le ng your S nky Thinking control you.
Start using Good Thinking to evaluate situa ons and your various ways of dealing with these situa ons so that you will not become a vic m of your own Not OK emotions and Thumbs Down behavior.
This story could very easily end with Sad Boy deciding to quit the team and the Mad Boy being kicked o 
the team. They will never change how they feel or how they act until they change how they think.
Glad Boy will probably stay on the team and will be well liked by his teammates. The only thing that makes that possible is his ability to control the things he tells himself.
He tells himself truthful, positive things and allows his Good Thinking to be his guide. How about you?

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