Page 15 - FS-Selfish Shellfish
P. 15

These feelings are usually the result of a child thinking, "I should have that, and it is not fair that he gets it.” You should recognize that this type of thinking will not only cause selfishness and jealousy but also anger
and resentment.
Help your children change these feeling and behaviors by helping them understand and change the thinking that causes jealousy and selfishness so they don’t become a Selfish Shellfish.
Instead of the unusual Stinking Thinking of children, encourage Good Thinking in your children to teach the ability to not be jealous or selfish.
“They are fortunate to have what they have and I don’t need to be unhappy because of what they have.”
“Just because I would like to have that, I don’t have to make myself upset about it.”
“Being able to share is what strong and brave people do for others.”
“If others won’t share, that's okay because I am strong enough to not to let them upset me.”
These are the self-talk messages of successful, happy people who feel no need to be jealous or selfish.

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