Page 30 - Wanda Weasel
P. 30
Cosmos talks about how Wanda’s thinking is what caused her to be impa ent. This S nky Thinking can cause Not OK emo ons of frustra on and even anger. Those emo ons will in turn lead to Thumbs Down behaviors. Wanda is the typical child, impa ent and not persistent. But we always focus on the behaviors of the typical child and tell them to “wait” and “s ck with it.”
We fail to iden fy the thinking that is at the root of these behaviors. Instead, we see this as a problem of “immaturity,” “lack of discipline” or “poor character.” Children that have these typical childhood behaviors of impa ence and lack of persistence may think that there is something fundamentally “wrong” with them. Cosmos illustrates some of the typical childhood self-messages that cause these behaviors.
In ques on one, the children see if they are able to think of what Wanda might have been telling herself in the hun ng trip situa ons. A child that understands the story will say that Wanda told herself, “I know more than they do” or “I can’t stand wai ng any longer.” Children should be able to see themselves in the Wanda character and may be able to be even more speci c in the type of self- messages that propel them into being impa ent and not persistent.
1. What other, “Stinky Thinking” could Wanda have been having during the climbing class?
“I know more than they do.” Or, “I can’t sit and wait any longer.”
2. If she had thought that way, how would she have felt during the class?She would have felt anxious and angry.
3. Because of what she was feeling, do you think she was paying attention like she should?
She was thinking about climbing and not paying attention.
4. If you don’t pay attention, because of your Stinking Thinking, will your behavior be Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?
Thumbs Down, just like she did in the story.