Page 19 - G-Fault Finder
P. 19
In your world as well as mine, mistakes are made by all of us. But in our animal world, most of us know that we must take responsibility and accept the consequences. If I had been the young wolf, Fault Finder and had messed up the hunt, I would have said, It is my fault the deer got away. I was not paying attention when you made the plan. I am willing to accept whatever punishment I have coming.
Now, that is not to say that I would want to be punished but I would know that I must accept responsibility and sometimes that means negative consequences. What a lot of you humans don’t seem to understand is that blaming others and not accepting responsibility causes lots of problems for you. You may get out of a punishment but you won’t learn to change your Stinky Thinking. Others will know that you are not taking responsibility for your mistakes and they will stop trusting and respecting you. It would have been much better if Fault Finder had said; It was my fault that we have not been able to eat for the last few days. I have learned to pay attention when we plan a hunt and I am willing to eat last.