Page 5 - Plant Quest Journal
P. 5

   The Plant Journal Project by Ingrid Jensen
Documenting the myriad types of plants found in a backyard is a daunting task. When taking into consideration the vast amount of plant life in a single square foot of ground and then multiplying it by 43,559, it is indeed a gargantuan undertaking. Mosses, weeds, vines, berries, conifers, palms, sedges, and grasses were all found and identified.
It was a fascinating project. Finding so many plants that belonged to the same families gave us a better understanding of the plant kingdom and how different varieties are related and categorized. It was exciting to realize the diversity of a city garden. The potential of nature to take over a developed area is ever-present. (Studies have shown that if metropolises such as New York City were completely deserted, the area would revert to wilderness with shocking speed.) I guess that explains all the lawnmowers and weedeaters out there. However, it would be much more exciting if the flora and fauna were left to their own devices—now more than ever, theirs is the important agenda.
Illustration by Kathryn Vignes

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