Page 20 - Too Smart Dog
P. 20

Wouldn’t it be great to have a pet like “Too Smart Dog.” Not only could you impress all of your friends but he could tell you the answers to test questions (if your teacher would let him into the classroom. Well enough of this day dreaming, let’s discuss the story.
The lord of the manor was very upset that someone would steal his jewels. But he became more upset when the dog explained why he did not try and stop the thief.
The lord is like some of your friends and other people you will know as you grow up. They will expect you to do things because it will please them, not because it will be good for you. You will be asked to do or not do something and you will know that it is not a reasonable request. Will you be like many and give in or will you have the character and wisdom of “Too Smart Dog” and say NO!

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