Page 12 - Patrice's Club Summaries
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Fable Summaries 3b
Tanya the Tattling Rattler: (Cooperation/Social Skills) Tattling is very confusing to many children. The ability to determine when tattling is okay and when it is a method to bully others can be understood once your child learns the rules of “Teach don’t Tattle”. Tattling may be the result of wanting to get attention or to get someone else in trouble and may not be appropriate. But there are times when it is appropriate to “tattle” and it may be difficulty to know when you should tattle and when you teach... not tattle. In most instances, it is better to get the other child’s cooperation (teaching) not to engage in an undesirable behavior rather than to tattle, which can lead to
being ostracized by peers.
Rules are Your Friends: (Self-Discipline/Social Skills) Most of us fail to teach our children that Rules are actually designed to make their lives easier, more fun and them happier. Because of this, they tend to see rules and restrictive “fun busters”. This story will change that perception. This story is about accepting that rules are necessary and are usually the result of Good Thinking. It is typical for children to see rules as intrusive, keeping them from doing things they want to do. But as the story points out, every creature has to obey “Good Thinking” rules. Use this fable to help your family evaluate if the rules of your home are “Good Thinking” Rules.
Angry Hornet: (Self-Control/Social Skills) There are qualities and behaviors that served us well in our primitive past... “Fight or Flight” is a classic example. But in our modern world, “pause, think, evaluate” will be of more value, but this new skill must be taught. Success in dealing with the variety of life situations will depend on our ability to override our evolutionarily designed predisposition to engage in either a fight or flight. This is not to say that those two reactions are not occasionally appropriate, but the ability to hold our emotions and behaviors at bay until we can rationally assess the situation is a learned skill.
Wanda “Want It Now” Weasel: (Patience/Self-Control) There are qualities (skills) that are necessary for success in everything but they are often ignored. Very simply, they are the skills of being Patient and Persistent. After reading this fable, your child will understand why Wanda got her nickname. Most of us would like to have, what we want, when we want it. But we may have learned soothing self-messages, which allow us to not get overly upset when that does not happen. It is typical for children to have low frustration tolerance. They don't see themselves as being unreasonable; they see everyone else as frustrating their attempts to be happy. The fable will help you teach your children that “patience and persistence are positives”.