Page 16 - Patrice's Club Summaries
P. 16

Fable Summaries 5b
Little Prince: (Manipulation/Anger) Demanding that you should “Get my way” may be annoying in children and infuriating in adolescents but as adults, it is destructive (in relationships and careers) It is now time to address this issue with our Little Prince fable. Demandingness is frequently the basis of our anger. If our belief system is full of musts, oughts and shoulds, then we will be irrationally demanding of our environment, others and even ourselves and be quick to anger. Children are by their nature, irrational, hedonistic and tyrannical. This fable will allow your children to see the consequences of childish demandingness.
Grizzly Bear Story: (Fear/Self-Control) There are always going to be “Grizzly Bear” situations in our life. What are the important skills you develop or fail to develop to deal with life difficulties? There are three main characters in this story dealing with such a difficulty, which one is your child? This story is about learning that your thinking determines your emotions and behaviors. A "threatening" situation in the story, a "grizzly bear" is any situation, which typically evokes a strong negative emotion. These can range from anger to fear to guilt to sadness. You may recognize yourself or your child as one of the first two characters in the fable. The goal is for all of us to be able to eventually see ourselves (and our children) as the third character in our fable.
The Chocolate Festival: (Prejudice/Self-Acceptance) Unwillingness to accept those that are different from us is a typical human quality. But as with many “natural” human qualities, they were relevant in more primitive times. Children are notorious for being prejudice toward certain classmates, teachers, chores and even foods. Luckily, because these beliefs are not yet strongly held, they can be changed. A child, who refuses to play with another because of the other child's race, can often be coaxed into playing with them just once and in so doing, possibly overcome their unfounded beliefs. You can try a "yucky" food and once they discover it tastes okay, be willing to eat it in the future.
Jeff the Monkey: (Self-Discipline/Manipulation) As we go through life, things change. Our ability to recognize this and adapt can be the key to our success and happiness. Unfortunately, Jeff the Monkey insists that he should not have to change and is left in the old banana grove. Accepting personal responsibility and the need to learn difficult tasks can seem like something we all should want to learn. But sometime, adults and even other children allow us to avoid learning these skills and as a consequence they get “left behind”.
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