Page 10 - Truthful Turtle
P. 10
Most turtles and many of you are sometimes “not so truthful” or “fairly truthful.” Unlike Tammy Turtle you will be truthful if truthful is easy or if you won’t get in too much trouble. But you will be untruthful if you think that being truthful is difficult or will get you into a lot of trouble.
Terry Turtle is a good example of how this works. You see, Terry made friends with “Honest Blue” a Blue Bird that he had saved from a snake when “Blue” was very young. “Honest Blue” could never be untruthful.
If Blue happened to be riding on Terry’s shell and Terry is telling an untruth, Blue would squawk and at the top of his little voice and say, “That is untrue, that is untrue.” Usually Terry would just smile and say, “Blue is correct, I am sorry, I was being untruthful.”
But once when Terry was suppose to be studying with friends, he was really at the skate board park until very later and he failed the test. The next week, he hid from his friend Blue, for fear that his father would ask hm about the test and Blue would be truthful.