Page 14 - Truthful Turtle
P. 14

For Parents
The Truthful Turtle
This story is about the valuable skills necessary to be truthful. It is designed to help your child recognize those who are frequently untruthful like Tammy.
Some children and even some adults will be untruthful even if it would be easier to be truthful or if the consequences of being truthful are minor.
There is an irrational childhood belief, “I am bad if I make a mistake”, that is frequently strongly held by “Tammys” of the world (both children and adults).
For some, being able to be untruthful and not ge ng caught gives them a sense of superiority. Unfortunately the long term consequences of this behavior will be very nega ve.
Many of us iden fy with the turtle and “Blue” that keeps him honest. Most of us will be honest if it is easy or if the consequences of our honesty are not very nega ve.
Being ‘somewhat untruthful’ may seem acceptable in many cases and we tend to say that our untruthful behavior is a “white lie” because it is not intended to hurt others or to make us look especially important.

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