Page 21 - Tooshy and Hushup
P. 21
The fable, The Story of Tooshy and Hushup, is a story about letting your thinking cause you to be too scared or too angry to deal effectively with a problem situation. All of your life, you will be faced with difficult situations from whether or not to study for a test, to who to ask to the dance, to what job to take. If you tell yourself things like Tooshy and Hushup, you will frequently make wrong decisions.
In Tooshy’s case, his Stinky Thinking made him so anxious or scared that he was unable to really do anything to help the committee. Because his thinking had to do with a fear of looking foolish, he chose to do nothing rather than take the chance of embarrassing himself.
In Hushup’s case, his Stinky Thinking did not keep him from doing something. But what he did do was insist that his way was the only way. He was not willing to listen to the ideas or suggestions of others. His thinking had to do with his need to be special. If what the others wanted to do was different from what he wanted to do, he became angry and refused to help them.