Page 26 - Tooshy and Hushup
P. 26
Tooshy was assigned to the No Food Committee. Each member of the committee was supposed to learn as much as possible about why there was no longer food available all year long and what could be done to insure survival.
When Tooshy was given his assignment, he tells himself, Oh I can never do this. I am not smart enough to get the information they need. I will get it all wrong and that would be too embarrassing. When his committee met to discuss what each had discovered, Tooshy had done nothing and said nothing.
Hushup’s committee was investigating the changes in the climate. In the past, the weather had been pleasant year round but now it was very hot for several months and very cold for several months.
Unlike Tooshy, Hushup was excited about getting his assignment. Hushup told himself, I am the only one who can figure out this problem. I don t know why they even bothered to have anyone else on the commi tee. When his committee reconvened, Hushup dominated the meeting without ever listening to others.
When the convention concluded and recommendations were being made, Tooshy told himself, I will never remember all this. While Hushup told himself, These are not my ideas so they must be foolish and wrong.
As a consequence of their thinking, Tooshy was too anxious to learn anything and Hushup was too angry to learn anything. When they returned to the Fradicats and Lookatmes, they could offer no suggestions on how to deal with the changing world and that is why there are no Fradicats or Lookatmes in the world today.