Page 29 - Tooshy and Hushup
P. 29
You may overlook the Tooshys of the world but you won’t overlook the Hushups. They demand attention and are intrusive. They are the Know-it-alls, the bores and the bullies. They demand attention and have little use for the opinion or suggestions of others.
For all their bluster, they are just as insecure as the Tooshys. They can’t accept constructive criticism or ideas that go counter to their ideas. Even though Hushup’s behavior was different from the Tooshy’s the results were the same.
He was too busy trying to impress and intimidate the others to pay attention to what was going on in the meetings. His Stinky Thinking caused him to experience the Not OK emotion of anger. Once
he became angry, he was not able to learn anything to help the Lookatmes.
1. Hushup told himself, These are not my ideas, so they must be foolish and wrong. I am not going to pay a en on. What is this type of thinking called?
Stinky Thi king
2. When Hushup told himself this Stinky Thinkin , how did he feel? What do you call that type of emotion
Angry... Stinky Thinkin
3. Hushup’s Not OK emotions aused him to have what type of behavior?
Thumbs Down behavior