Page 10 - Newton and the Needy Newts
P. 10

By now, you have figured out that these newts would go to a lot of trouble to obtain the admiration and approval of others. This neediness also extended to the newt’s relationships with frogs.
The newts were constantly trying to do better than the frogs at this or that. This seemed even less important than some of the other things I had seen the newts do. And right at the front of this “better than the frogs” stuff was the newt I called Newton.
Now everyone knows that both frogs and newts can climb. Because he was so desperate for some admiration, Newton told all the other newts that he is the best climber in the forest and would prove it. He challenged the frogs to send their best climber to compete against him. Newton selected a rocky cliff at the edge of the lake as the place to climb.
This choice of climbing place seemed a little unfair to me because most frogs are water lovers and don’t have much use for rocks.
But looking good was so important to Newton that he did not care if he cheated.
On the day of the climb, Newton went around telling all the other newts how easy this would be. He’d scramble up the rocks while the poor old frog would just hop to exhaustion trying to get over the first rock. All the other newts were laughing and slapping Newton on the back.
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