Page 18 - Newton and the Needy Newts
P. 18

Now let’s talk about the newts. Newton was a bit of an extreme case because he was worse than the other newts, about being needy. But all the newts were too needy for the approval of others.
Everyone wants to be liked and to have friends. The problem with the newts was this “want” became a “need.” When you “need” something, you may do things that are not in your best self-interest, in order to try to obtain it.
When one of the newts showed up with a red color, they all wanted to be red. We all now know that Newton’s red color was an accident and that newt can’t really be red. But that did not stop them from trying to be red and getting angry if one newt said that they were more red than another.
In our story, you realize that being red made newts an easy target for hungry predators, like snakes, so it was a “bad thing.” Another example of this neediness, was the need to have the longest
tail. The newts did anything to get a longer tail even if in doing so... their tail would sometimes break.

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