Page 24 - Newton and the Needy Newts
P. 24

A point that is made in Cosmos’s stories is that humans have the luxury of Stinky Thinking. In the animal world, Stinky Thinking leads to terrible consequences very quickly. In the human world, the consequences of Stinky Thinking may not occur for many years. That is why it is important that you learn about Stinky Thinking and change it to Good Thinking while you are young.
In the story, the frogs gave us the example of Good Thinking when it comes to being Needy. They were not overly concerned about other’s attention and approval. Because of their Good Thinking, they were complementary when someone else did something very good rather than being jealous. When something bad happen to someone, they were supportive.
When someone else makes a better grade than you or when your friend would rather play with someone else rather than you, do you let your Stinky Thinking or Good Thinking take over? The frogs, with their Good Thinking would tell themselves, “They must have studied very hard to make that grade, I will go over and tell them that they did a good job” and “She would rather be with someone else than me today and that is okay, I will let them play together and I will find someone else to play with today.”
Do you think that the frogs would have ever done the foolish and dangerous things that Newton did, just to impress others ... probably not. Instead, they did things that would make their lives more interesting and fun. They could do that because they did not have Needy Stinky Thinking.

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