Page 30 - Newton and the Needy Newts
P. 30

In this first worksheet, Cosmos illustrates that the frogs in the story demonstrated Good Thinking. The frogs are the role models when it comes to neediness.
The frogs in the story, according to Cosmos, “Seem to be fairly satisfied with themselves. They do not make themselves angry or sad for silly reasons and are supportive of others.” You want the child to understand that these frogs choose to be the way they are because they choose to have Good Thinking.
1. The frogs always seemed to be in a good mood and were nice and helpful to each other. What kind of thinking causes that type of behavior?
Good Thinking
2. If the frogs maintained that type of thinking, what type of emotions would they have most of the time?
OK Emotions , such as happy and not upset
3. Do you think it would be nice if most humans’ thinking and behavior was like that of the frogs?
Yes, because they would be happy just being themselves

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