Page 6 - FS-Jeff the Monkey
P. 6
Now, I can fly to the top of any tree and get all the bananas I want. But if I were a monkey and if climbing was necessary, well... but I am getting ahead of the story.
This refusal by Jeff to learn to climb continued until one day the leader of the troop of monkeys took Jeff aside. He told him, “Jeff, you are a young, strong monkey and if you try, you could climb really well. If you just try a little, well... some day you may be the leader of the troop.”
I thought that it was a pretty good talk. It sounded like the leader was really concerned for Jeff and was trying to motivate him to try and climb the trees. But Jeff did not choose to see it that way. Jeff laughed a weak little laugh and said, “I don’t think you are telling the truth. You don’t think I am strong and it is a trick.” And with that, Jeff sat down and screamed until someone threw some bananas to him just to keep him quiet.
Fortunately for me, I can fly. So I could leave whenever Jeff started with that screaming and fussing. “Its not fair,” and “I never get anything,” and “Everyone is being mean to me,” and on and on. For a while Jeff was getting plenty to eat because his yelling was so annoying. But then things began to change.