Page 18 - G-Dr. Nice or Mr. Nasty
P. 18
“Name Calling” and making fun of others is a common behavior of you humans. You try to cause others to feel bad, sad or embarrassed and that is Thumbs Down (Mr. Nasty) behavior. I often hear humans say, I called her that because of what she called me (or did to me).
Now, I know that you humans all know the saying; Two wrongs don’t make a right. Just because someone else decides to let their Mr. Nasty out is no reason for you to let yours out.
The reason that the name calling situation in the story was so confusing to the younger crows was because of our rule about such behavior: If you ignore ... they will stop. We crows are taught that lesson when we are very young.
In fact, it is very embarrassing if you cause yourself to get upset if someone makes fun of you or calls you a name. Crows always say: He’s got you by your tail feathers, if you get upset at another’s “name calling” .