Page 24 - G-Dr. Nice or Mr. Nasty
P. 24
In the paragraph you just finished, you could tell that those Mr. Nasty beliefs are not true and don’t make any sense. But for those of you who have a problem with being a Mr. Nasty, those are examples of the way you think.
Although you may not know it, being a Dr. Nice in these situations is easy if you change your Stinky Thinking to Good Thinking. Tell yourself, I want the ball again but it is not my turn. It is no big deal and it will be my turn soon. If you say this to yourself, you will be a Dr. Nice.
If you tell yourself, I am not going to let myself get upset because of her name calling. I know I am not what she said and she can’t control me. If you say this to yourself, you will be a Dr. Nice.
If you tell yourself, I hate that I made this poor grade but I did not study enough. I will explain this to my parents and try harder next time. If you say this to yourself, you will be a Dr. Nice.
And just like with crows ... everyone would rather be a Dr. Nice.