Page 12 - FS-Grizzly Bear
P. 12
1. When we become angry with someone, what causes our anger?
A. What the other person said or did.
B. Your emotions cause you to be angry.
C. The things you tell yourself about what happened.
2. Sometimes our thoughts about something happen so fast that we are not aware of them and we suddenly feel very angry or embarrassed or sad. What do we call that type of thinking?
A. Magic Thinking B. Good Thinking C. Stinky Thinking
3. Who is responsible for how you feel and act?
A. The person who is giving you a “hard time.” B. You are responsible
C. The adults who are with you are responsible.
4. How can you control how you feel and act?
A. Avoid being around people who make you angry or afraid. B. Control your emotions.
C. Be aware of and control the things you think.
5. If you don’t like how you feel or how you are behaving, what should you do to change?
A. Change your thinking about the situation. B. Ask others to quit treating you so badly. C. Ask your teacher to help you feel better.
6. In the Grizzly Bear story, which of the men took charge of his situation?
A. Running man B. Thinking man C. Fighting man
7. What did this man do differently than the others?
A. He tackled the bear and beat it up.
B. He quickly ran away and escaped.
C. He thought about what to do and then did what he thought was best.
8. Why was he able to act differently than the others?
A. He was strong and brave. B. He used his Good Thinking. C. He was smart and ran fast.
9. When you get in trouble at school for arguing or fighting or being disruptive, who are you acting like?
A. Fighting man B. Running man C. Thinking man
10. When you are faced with a “Grizzly Bear Situation,” which man should you act like?
A. Running man B. Thinking man C. Fighting man