Page 8 - Mirror Mirror
P. 8

I wonder if this mirror stuff is just a problem for rabbits. I see a pair of nice looking cats gazing at a mirror. Let’s go and see what is happening over there. Let’s not get too close. After all, they are cats.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the prettiest of them all?” “Why you are the prettiest of them all, Catherine Cat.”,
“Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the prettiest of them all?”
“Why you are the prettiest of them all Caty Cat.”
“But Caty can’t be the prettiest. You said I was the prettiest” snarled Catherine. “But it said I was the prettiest after it said you were the prettiest so mine counts and yours doesn’t,” hissed Caty. “No you are wrong,” growled Catherine.
Cosmos here. It looks like a good time for us to leave. Boy, these cats can get angry quickly. Maybe we should visit someone who is a little more likable.
Over there in the barnyard is a friendly looking pig who is looking in his mirror. Let’s see what is going on.
“Mirror, mirror I’m slow. Please tell me it is not so. I am just going to cry. Please tell me I can fly.”
“Why of course you can fly, Patrick Pig. You can do anything you want to do,” replied the mirror.

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