Page 30 - G-Plowing the Desert
P. 30

Cosmos feels bad that he did not try and get the Plowman to change his was ng  me behavior. He could have pointed out the bene ts of doing some more construc ve things with his  me.
But Cosmos knows that others who have developed the habit of was ng  me frequently don’t want to change and will not want your sugges ons. He points out that the Time Waster must change their S nky Thinking to Good Thinking.
He asks the reader to think of some Good Thinking they can use to quit was ng  me. This is an opportunity to use your child’s own sugges ons to help them stop this very typical childhood behavior.
1. What Good Thinking could the Plowman have used in order to stop was ng  me?
Maybe I will try to grow something... It might look be er with something growing (or something similar that demonstrates Good Thinking)
2. What Good Thinking can you use so that you quit was ng  me?
(There are a lot of examples they could use... encourage those that make sense)

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