Page 24 - Penny Perfect and Sally Sloppy
P. 24
Cosmos Crow told us that Penny’s problem with "doing her best" was more complicated than Sally’s. Penny probably often did very good work. In fact, her work may have been the best of any of the spiders in class.
But she also had Stinky Thinking, I must be the best or I am a failure or If I don’t get the best grade, everyone will make fun of me.
Penny was never satisfied with her best effort. Because
of her Stinky Thinking, she was always very anxious and afraid of any test situation. If you think like Penny, you may do well in school for a while but you may be so afraid of not being perfect that you decide to quit trying.
If you get into the habit of always using Good Thinking, so that you can trust yourself, you will not have the problems of Sally or Penny. You will know when you have done your best and that is all you can do.