Page 30 - G-Cando Cranes
P. 30

On this third worksheet page, Cosmos makes a very important observa on, The second crane was willing to recognize the Real Di cul es he would face and was con dent that he could deal with them. There are real di cul es in your everyday life that you should and could deal with.
But you will become a Cantdo Crane if you allow your S nky Thinking to make these di cul es into over-whelming obstacles instead of an inconvenient bump in the road.
This observa on is as true in our real world as it is in the world of the Cranes. An ability to face your difficulties, evaluate them and then select an appropriate action is the formula for success in all areas of your life.
1. The second crane’s refusal to accept the Elf’s sugges ons was based on what type of thinking?
Good Thinking
2. Whenyoufacedi cul esanduseGoodThinking,youwillhave what type of emo ons?
OK emo ons
3. When you face di cul es and use Good Thinking and have OK Emo ons, what kinds of behavior will you have?
Thumbs Up behavior

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