Page 31 - Plowing the Desert
P. 31
Our society promotes the type of behavior illustrated in the story. A high school senior has spent more me watching television than they have spent in the classroom.
If you think about it, television does very li le, if anything, to improve the likelihood that you will be successful in your career, hobbies or rela onships. It is actually counter produc ve to your developing social skills (you are not interac ng with anyone in the television). But we rarely think about the amount of me (our truly limited resource) that we spend plowing the desert.
Encourage your child to come up with a list of “I wants”... as in, I want to make a “B” in English, make the team or play the guitar and discuss what they will need to do to accomplish these Wants.
If you have goals and an understanding how to accomplish these goals you will be less inclined to Plow the Desert.