Page 55 - SB-Tree of Happiness
P. 55

1. The Queen was able to build the Monument more quickly than the “Queen’s Road.” Why?
a. The Queen was now able to pay enough money to hire good people.
b. The workers were able to use the skills they had learned building the road to
build the monument.
c. The monument was easier to build.
2. When the Queen was gathering the “1,000 best books,” she sometimes got tired and frustrated. What did she tell herself to stay motivated and finish the task?
a. “If I don’t finish this, everyone will know I’m a loser.”
b. “No one else is smart enough to finish this task.”
c. “I have done so much already and it would be foolish to stop now.”
3. What did the Queen say to the people of her kingdom to get them to be willing to help her face the Dragon?
a. “Any of you who want to be my friend will follow me now.”
b. “It is your obligation as citizens of this kingdom to follow me.”
c. “You are important to me for without you I would have no kingdom to govern. I need your help.”
4. If you want someone to help you with a difficult task, (like cleaning your room), what would you say that would cause them to want to help?
a. “If you help me clean my room, we can then go to your house and I will help you clean yours.” b. “If you don’t help me clean my room, I will not be able to go and play with you.”
c. “If my other friend (John or Jane or whoever) was here, they would help me.”
5. When she faced the Dragon, the Queen was very afraid. What did she say to herself that enabled her to face the Dragon?
a. “The worst that could happen is that I will be killed but living knowing I did not face the Dragon will be worse.”
b. “If I don’t face the Dragon, everyone will laugh and say I am a coward.”
c. “If I don’t face the Dragon, he will bring his friends and that will be even worse.”
6. Being brave does not mean not being afraid. It means being afraid but doing whatever it is you need to do anyway. Was the Queen brave?
a. No, she had an army with her and knew she could not lose.
b. No, because she never was really afraid of the Dragon.
c. Yes, because she charged up the hill toward the Dragon even though she did not know what
would happen.
7. When the Queen faced the Dragon, it ran away. How is the Dragon like the things you fear?
a. Once you face them, they turn out to be not as scary.
b. You have to have others with you to make sure you can win. c. No one really knows how to get rid of our fears.
8. After she had completed all the tasks, the Elf gave the Queen the Key and she went into the Tree of Happiness. The Queen realized she was now happy. What caused her to be happy?
a. The magic of the Tree.
b. She had changed all the things that were bothering her when she first met the Elf. c. She was older now and had done a lot of neat things that made her happy.
9. Some people are always trying to find something or someone to make them happy. Is that a good idea?
a. Yes, because if you find your perfect love, they will make you happy.
b. No, because even after you find the perfect love, they will do something to upset you and spoil
your happiness.
c. No, because you have to make yourself happy and not expect it to come from others.
10. Which of these statements about the Elf seems true.
a. He understood what was causing the Queen to be unhappy and gave her a reason to fix those problems.
b. He was in charge of the magic of the Tree of Happiness. c. He knew he could trick the Queen into happiness.

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