Page 23 - FS-Don't Bee Angry
P. 23
In our story, the Anger Bees upset themselves about things that were not really very important. Their thinking caused them to feel jealous or embarrassed and then angry. In other words, they acted just like people. They blamed others... the bear, the musical bees and the other Anger Bees who talked about their mother, for their feelings of anger and their bad behavior. However it was what they were telling themselves (their Stinky Thinking) that caused their anger.
In most cases, anger is a Not OK emotion and it leads to Thumbs Down behavior. When you are young, you may try and keep yourself from getting angry or at least you don’t do anything that might get you in trouble. Unfortunately, that is not enough if your thinking remains Stinky. You may not act on your anger but it will still have a negative impact on you. For example, your attention is so drawn to these anger producing thoughts that you may fail to pay attention in class and thus get in trouble for “daydreaming”. Or, you may act ugly to an innocent person, because of your anger.
It would be far better if you STOP! and make yourself think about your angry thoughts. Do they really make any sense? In our story, the Anger Bees could have asked themselves, “Why am I making myself upset just because that bear is in the orchard?” They could have asked themselves, “Why am I allowing this other bee, who is looking cross-eyed or who is talking about my mother, control how I feel and act? Do I really want to give them that much control over me? What will happen if I ignore them?”