Page 31 - FS-Don't Bee Angry
P. 31
In this worksheet, Cosmos illustrates that being angry is the result of your Stinky Thinking. But he points out that you can control your thinking and thereby control your anger. He lets you to change the Anger Bees thinking, to see how that would change their emotions and behaviors.
Teaching ourselves to “Stop” and change our anger producing thinking is the same as the “Emotional Signal Light” exercise that is available in several of the stories as the Exercise. This is a good time to reintroduce that concept and the Emotional Signal Light card if you have one of those stories.
The behavior of the Anger Bees is so typical that the children should have no difficulty identifying with them. But they may have a little more difficulty with answering some of questions.
Question 1: “What could the Anger Bees have told themselves about the young bear so that they would not get upset about him being in the orchard?” It is acceptable to coach them into learning the words for a Good Thinking response if they are having trouble coming up with one.
You can ask the child to give real world examples that are similar to see what type of Good Thinking they can use for play ground problems.