Page 34 - FS-Don't Bee Angry
P. 34
1. What did the Anger Bees tell themselves about the Cross-Eyed Bee?
“If I were you, I would not let him look cross-eyed at me. You are not a real are a gnat if you let him look at you like that.”
2. Did what they were telling themselves make any sense? Why?
No. They did not know if he was trying to make fun of them or if he was really cross-eyed. Why should they care even if he was trying to make fun of them?
3. What did the Anger Bees tell themselves when the others said something about their mother?
Something like, “Nobody talks about my mother, they should be punished and I will get them.”
4. What about this was so silly for the Anger Bees?
They all had the same mother.
5. When someone makes fun of you or says something mean to you, what Good Thinking could you tell yourself to keep you from getting upset?
“I am not going to let them take control of my feelings, they are just being stupid or mean and they can’t make me upset unless I choose to let them.”