Page 4 - FS-Don't Bee Angry
P. 4

Good morning, Cosmos Crow here. So nice of you to visit me again. Today I am going to talk about that most human of emotions... anger. As you know, we animals seem to have more Good Thinking and less Stinky Thinking than you humans.
You probably also know that anger is usually the result of Stinky Thinking. Now don’t get me wrong, sometimes anger is appropriate (OK) but more often, it is not appropriate (Not OK).
We animals occasional have our little spats but it is usually about something important like food or territory. You humans on the other hand, seem to get angry at just about anything. I always found this angry behavior odd and silly. I thought I would never see it in the animal world ... but I was wrong.
Last winter, I went on vacation to my cousin’s place down in a place you call Texas, USA. It is much warmer there in the winter and there is much more food to eat. Everything was going along nicely, plenty of food, nice friends, no troubles, no excitement.
It was ... boring. I hate to say it but I like adventure and although this was a pleasant visit, I was ready for some entertaining situations to come my way. Well, I got my wish and it made me realize how easy it would be for us animals to act as silly as
you humans.

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