Page 9 - FS-Don't Bee Angry
P. 9
They walked around looking all important and proud. This all seemed a little silly to me. All they had really done was attack a young bear who meant them no harm.
Just then, I began to hear some bee music. Now you have probably never heard bee music because your ears are not very good at such things. To you, all of that bee buzzing is just noise. To me, some of it is conversation and then there is the beautiful bee music.
It was not coming from the Anger Bee’s hive but from another hive about one hundred feet away. I had noticed that there were several bee hives in the orchard. All hives except this one were home to our regular nice bees. There was only one Anger Bee hive in their orchard. Anyway, this hive of regular bees was just beginning a musical concert.
I figured I would just relax and enjoy the entertainment. But no sooner had the concert begun than the Anger Bees started grumbling. “What is all that racket? Do they really think that they can play music better than us? They are nothing but a bunch of show-offs. We ought to do something to show them who are the best music makers around.”
I must admit, I did not like the sound of this. Those Anger Bees were getting worked up again.