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 Becky Boston Brings You Homeowner Tips
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Home Lighting Tips from the Pros
  When TV and movie directors want to highlight a character or set a mood, they turn to the lighting director. Creative lighting methods are some of the more subtle and effective ways to establish a specific ambiance.
As the star of your own home movie, you can use the same principles to shape the story. Looking for a quick and easy home improvement proj- ect? Use these expert tips to let your light shine.
Draw Up a Plan
Do you think of lights as strictly functional pieces added to a room, al- most as an afterthought, rather than a vital element in your home im- provement strategy? Pros understand that lighting should be organically integrated into a room’s decor to make a statement. Start by creating a plan that considers all aspects of a room, including its style, furnishings, and main purpose.
Go for a Layered Effect
The “layered look” is more than just a fashion trend. Just as 3D adds di- mension and perspective to an image, three layers of light provide rich- ness and balance to a room’s atmosphere. Start with basic illumination of ambient lighting, then move to specialized task lighting and finish with decorative accent lighting.
Yes, all rooms benefit from layered lighting, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all concept. Don’t allow lighting to overpower a small room or get lost in a large room. Take features such as light size and wattage into account.
Dimmers Are Your Friend
Dimmers offer an additional measure of control over the intensity of lighting in a room. Many of today’s dimmers include high-tech conve- niences such as remote or voice control. Be sure to install dimmers for all overhead lights, whether you go DIY or hire a professional electrician. If you want to include tabletop lamps, most home improvement stores carry inexpensive plug-in dimmers.
Light Up the Corners
Most homes have at least a couple of those awkward corners that end up getting ignored because no one knows what to do with them. Simply placing an attractive floor lamp in the corner adds polish and ties the space into the rest of the room.
Shine a Spotlight
Taking another cue from the entertainment world, use spotlights to draw the eye toward plants, pieces of art, or other visual focal points in your home. In addition to the traditional ceiling-mounted version, spotlights come in versatile forms such as track-style and recessed.
Get Help from Mother Nature
Don’t confine your lighting plan to artificial sources. Daylight is fresh and warm, providing a natural boost to any lighting scheme. Combine two home improvement projects in one by installing or remodeling windows to optimize the advantages of sunlight. Don’t forget to plan for blinds or other treatments as needed to manage heat, particularly with west-fac- ing windows.
Go Green
Sunlight also plays a valuable role in an eco-friendly lighting system. Whenever possible, keep sustainability in mind by choosing energy-effi- cient light bulbs and lamps made from recycled or reclaimed materials. Hardware such as dimmers, timers, and photocells help conserve energy and reduce electric bills.
Lamps as Art
 Pay Attention to Scale and Proportion
Lampshades are frequently overlooked as a valuable decorative element. They come in an endless variety of colors and styles, and you can change them in minutes to fit a season or mood. As a bonus, lampshades can create unique effects when light passes through them.
Who knew home improvement had something in common with film- making? Thoughtful and strategic use of lighting creates a flattering scene from all angles.
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