Page 122 - The CRAIG family
P. 122
1958-1959: Uncle George reenlisted August 20, 1958 and was transferred to Bermuda. Sharon was born there.
1960: Uncle George was transferred to Nantucket, Massachusetts Naval Base.
1961: In December 1961, Uncle George, at the young age of 36, had a major heart attack (Coronary Thrombosis). I remember vividly when Daddy got the news and he was devastated because he was told that Uncle George was in very serious condition and may not survive. Daddy and Aunt Charlotte left immediately to be by his side. It was the first time Aunt Charlotte was going to be on an airplane and she was scared to death at the thought of flying.
Evening News Saturday, December 30, 1961 Evening News Saturday, January 6, 1962
1962: After nearly 20 years of service Uncle George was officially released/medically discharged from the Navy on May 14, 1962. He moved his family back to Jacksonville and that it where he and Aunt Mary lived until their deaths.
1967: The Last Will and Testament of Leona N. Sparks, Uncle George’s adopted mother, filed December 8, 1967, states “I adopted one child who has since changed his name back to his pre-adoption name. He is George Allen Craig and he is presently living in the State of Florida”. She left everything in her estate to her daughter by her first marriage, Bernice F. Hewitt and in the event that her daughter did not survive her, her estate would go to Bernice’s husband Russell L. Hewitt.